Thursday, July 16, 2009

Amberly Village

Thank you for joining the Amberly Village forum. Your coming to this website shows that you care about your community. It's time for us to join together and make our community the envy of South Dekalb.

In your opinion, what are some of the problems in Amberly Village (ex. litter, noise, crime) and what are some ideas to solve these issues? Feel free to post any questions you may have as well.


Mike D. said...

The litter is the first thing we should work on. It's really cool that you guys are doing this. I used to live in Kirkwood, and now my old house is worth triple what I paid just because they fixed up the neighborhood. I'm ready to do that here!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I'm starting my own efforts towards community improvement within the South Dekalb area.. I suppose we will be able to support one another in the future..

G. Phillips said...

Just got the flyer. I'm glad somebody is finally stepping up for our side of town. The problem is going to get people to want more than what they already have. The kids don't care about their community because they don't value it. Let's bring it up so kids can be proud of their neighborhood... Not cause it's the hardest. When do the let signs go up?

Anonymous said...

What are your ideas, Sis. K? Is this for individual neighborhood or overall South Dekalb Development?

South Dekalb Residents said...

To Anonymous:

Sis. K can answer the first question. But as for your second question, the answer is "Both". It is starting in a neighborhood called Amberly Village between Panola Rd, Marbut Rd, Young Rd, and Singer Way. (Just put "Marbut Rd & Singer Way" in Google Maps.) But we are also involved in all the 30058, 30088, 30087, 30038 and 30035 zip codes. We gladly work with anyone who has progressive ideas to improve the communities of South Dekalb County. There is also another "thread/blog" that deals strictly with improving the school system (especially in South Dekalb County), which is mandatory to enhance our communities and advance the next generation.

st.thomaslady said...

I just got the letter in my mailbox today. i saw the litter signs... it's about time someone started to take ownership... but i wonder how many people in this neighborhood are down to get it together...

Unknown said...

I have been a homeowner in Amberly Village for 15+ years and was
beginning to think I was the only person concerned about Amberly Village. I live on Singer Way and am constantly picking up litter in the streets, and even picking up litter from neighbors yards (near the curb).... My major concern is the litter... we have major litter problems.... and the children roaming the area, looking to get into trouble. I recently had my squirrel trap stolen from my yard by some kids that lived in the cul-d-sac. I only got it back because the construction crew saw the kids playing with it. I am willing to do whatever it takes to bring Amberly Village up to par; and to make it the community it has the potential to be. I would love to sit on a Community Board if one is established. Please keep me posted!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes I think if we could put a play area in the neghiborhood ans a swimming pool this would help we have no outlet for the children and teens to do anything . I have a group of young ladies I teach them to sew caldedar, we make gifts for the holidays for there parents I also teach them to make cards and they learn how to crochet so I think if we can all teach them something that we know we can help build there esteem and see that they an make a difference.

we can try to do a neghiborhood pickup and clean up just to say what we want our neghiborhood to look like give a hotdaod party right before school starts all of our children couldnt go out of town so at least they would think someone cares bout them.

South Dekalb Residents said...

Good ideas. But how do you want to organize the hotdog cookout and neighborhood clean-up? You may have noticed the litter signs along singer way. We plan on putting 2 more along st. thomas drive. I paid for those myself, but do you think it's wise to pool our money for these endeavors? Some areas look okay in terms of litter. Others are pretty shady. If we can gather a good number of people, I'm definitely down to do the neighborhood clean-up, but it'd be nice if a good number of kids and adults can participate so the other kids (and neighbors)can see... let us know your thoughts. I'd hate to make this plan and only two people show up... Do your neighbors sound like they'd be willing to participate?

South Dekalb Residents said...

Also, there are a few kids that hang out around Corduroy Ct. and Madras Ct. that have little to do and sometimes get into mischief. The few I'm familiar with go to Redan Middle and High. Most of the kids are pretty good. But I think a few give the neighborhood a bad image. I've went out and spoke to a few young kids throwing rocks at an unoccupied houses on Singer Way. I got on them about it and told them how they're bringing their n'hood down. They stopped and were respectful. And when I saw them again, they helped me fix the window i saw them break. The point is, i think the kids will listen if we act like we care. Many don't have father figures or male role models - it'd do wonders if us or your husbands and/or boyfriends shared some words with them from time to time...

South Dekalb Residents said...

We're glad to see such interest in improving Amberly Village. So if you're really serious about doing something, send an e-mail to That way we can arrange a meeting or something and really put our heads and resources together (without having our information all over the internet). My wife and I live on Singer Way as well, and if I can get e-mails with at least 10 residents that say they are down to literally get out and make a change for our community, then we can contact you and arrange a meeting.

We will be distributing flyers to some of the areas that were recently missed, but word of mouth is our most important asset. If you can help get the word out, the more people we have to help get this thing done. There's strength in numbers.

But, until that time, we are still gladly taking commentary on this blog on ways to improve the neighborhood...

Has anybody thought about getting assistance from Marbut Elementary?

Nichole S. said...

What can we do about those kids always playing loud music at 1851 Cashmere Ct? It seems like the parents are rarely home. And what about that one kid who's always yelling raps up and down the street? They make the street look (and sound bad). Even though we're in the suburbs, they want so badly to turn our neighborhood into the ghetto. When will they realize that their parents probably work hard to keep the out the hood, but they act like they have to go back to how gucci mane tells them they should live...

Mike D. said...

I'm glad y'all got this thing back going. When are y'all trying to get together and do something?

Anonymous said...

As a resident of Amberly Village and Dekalb County I have some very needed concerns. 1. Renters. I realize the homes that you are renting you are not buying but please keep the yards clean. Also if you have pets make sure they stay in their own yards. 2. Cars on the side of the road instead of parked in drive way, if they are not running or broken down they need to be remove. 3. Noise. After working all day, when I come home I shouldn't have to be subjected to loud music coming from some car, whether that be next door or just driving by. These are just something of the things we really need to improve on.

Unknown said...

I just re-read my comment from August 3, 2009.... Nothing has been done? What happened? Let's get this thing moving again. Let's start with a community action board...... Please, someone in charge, let's do something. Perhaps a flyer needs to go out with a meeting date, time and location. Those who attend can take the first steps and hopefully others will follow. I'm willing to type the flyer.... Sharon from Singer Way

Unknown said...

I just re-read my comment from August 3, 2009.... Nothing has been done? What happened? Let's get this thing moving again. Let's start with a community action board...... Please, someone in charge, let's do something. Perhaps a flyer needs to go out with a meeting date, time and location. Those who attend can take the first steps and hopefully others will follow. I'm willing to type the flyer.... Sharon from Singer Way

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